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Made for automation, making work easy, removing the hassle.
Suitable for any kind of tasks.

Finally! The Proxies You Deserve


No Registration

No Data Collection

Crypto Accepted

Fresh List

New proxy list every 30 days.

Unlimited Bandwidth

Not limited by proxy usage.


All proxies are ipv4.

Hundreds of users around the world have already picked Xyliase as their to-go service for reliable proxies.

All the things you need in proxies




Proxies are static, no rotations.

Complete Privacy

Strict no log policy.

Large Network

Currently 2000~ proxy pool.

99% Uptime

We guarantee 99% uptime.


Choose between http or socks.

Automating your work has never been easier.

Use your proxies anywhere.


Data Checking

Check and verify your scraped data quickly, with high success, and no restrictions.

Social Media Automation

Automate your work on sites like Discord, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube with no restrictions.

Crawl & Index

A site may restrict you from crawling to few requests a minute. But they have millions of pages.

Competitor Intelligence

Crawl in real time real pricing of shopping sites for competitor pricing.

Geo Bypass

Geo-blocking restrictions are discriminating against everyone.

Avoid Tracking

Undemocratic countries want to suppress internet access.

The best price for the easiest, high performance proxies.
Choose a plan to get access now.

Pricing Plans

Get started



Dedicated - Private


5-20mbps Speeds

Unlimited Bandwidth

Complete Privacy



1 Month

2,000 IPs

10mbps Speeds

Unlimited Bandwidth

Complete Privacy



1 Month

6,000 IPs


10mbps Speeds

Unlimited Bandwidth

Complete Privacy


Save $15


Per Port

100,000 IPs
Rotating (15 min)

0% fraud score
Unlimited Bandwidth 🌟

Complete Privacy

Fingerprint bypassing

Billed By Day



Per Port

100,000 IPs
Rotating (15 min)

0% fraud score

Unlimited Bandwidth 🌟

Complete Privacy

Fingerprint bypassing

Billed Monthly



Per Port

Billed By GB

8+ Million IPs
Http(s)/ Socks(5)
Unlimited Threads
Rotating Per Request (or sticky)

0% fraud score

Complete Privacy




Come back!

Stop wasting time trying to find the "right proxies" and say hello to your new friend.
Our proxies are easy, high performance and suitable for any task.

Get Xyliase and forget about it.

Our Datacenter proxies are great for web-scraping and checking data. Our 4G Mobile proxies are designed for social media automation.

Are your proxies good for automation?


Is there a money back guarantee?

Unfortunately due to sensitivity of product, we do not issue reimbursements under any circumstances.


What type of proxies are these?

Datacenter static proxies are based in Russia. The pool refreshes every 30 days. Mobile 4G are based in UK, they rotate every 30 minutes.


You will be charged only once, you can choose to renew any time you like.

Is this recurring or one time payment?


Speeds up to 45mb per second.

High Speeds

high speed proxy speeds


Unlimited bandwidth.
No more worrying about GB usage.

we offer unlimited bandwidth

Large Network

Currently 6000 datacenter proxies with an ever expanding list.

large network of proxies

Our proxies score 0 on

0% Fraud Score

0 fraud score on proxies

Key Features

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